The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the critical role of insurers in protecting and supporting the societies. Recognising how the unprecedented outbreak has posed a crippling effect to the less privileged group within the community, AXA Affin General Insurance Berhad (AXA) is committed to uphold its role as a trusted partner that cares, acts and protects customers in difficult times.
Under the new norm, AXA has re-designed its Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy by exploring new ways to strengthen social solidarity and contribute towards a sustainable society. Over the past months, AXA has launched multiple meaningful initiatives in support of 3 key pillars ̶ Social Inclusion, Health and Environment, including raising funds and contributing a total of RM20,000 to 7 welfare homes during the recent 10th CR Week. Among other activities held during the week were blood donation, health talk, sign language class, healthy cooking class and homemade cleaning product workshop.
A notable highlight is the return of AXA Hearts in Action Run 2020 for the 6th consecutive year. To adapt to the new normal, the run has been launched in virtual format to encourage Malaysians to run for better health and advocate on key social causes close to their heart. This year’s theme “Run to Protect What Matters” supports AXA’s commitment to foster progress in difficult times and act as a force for collective good.
Emmanuel Nivet, Chief Executive Officer of AXA, said, “8 months into the COVID-19 outbreak, we have seen the growing importance of social responsibility in the new normal. As a purpose driven brand, our goal has always been to drive corporate responsibility as a year-long agenda and continuously bring sustainable value to the society. While many physical events have been cancelled or put to a halt due to the pandemic, we are determined to continue our purposeful initiatives including our run to support those in need.”
With overwhelming support from runners this year, AXA has achieved a full participation of 1,200 runners and successfully contributed RM50,000 to 5 non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Participating runners have been empowered to choose their T-shirt colour based on their preferred cause and NGO:
• Purple (National Cancer Society Malaysia)
: to create awareness on early cancer detection
• Pink (Yayasan Jantung Malaysia)
: to keep a healthy heart
• Orange (National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia)
: to create awareness on kidney health
• Blue (World Vision Malaysia)
: to empower our next generation
• Green (WWF-Malaysia)
: to care for our environment
Under the virtual run format, runners can choose to complete 6km or 12km in one go or in multiple runs, anytime and anywhere they wish from 24th October 2020 – 8th November 2020. Upon completing their registered distance and submitting their run results, runners will receive their run entitlement which consist of a running t-shirt, finished medal and sponsored goodies 3 – 4 weeks after 12th November 2020.
More updates available on AXA Affin Insurance Malaysia Facebook page.